Arla Foods Consolidated Annual Report 2021
Arla Foods Consolidated Annual Report 2021 / Our sustainability journey / Sustainability on farms
Dairy is part of a healthy and sustainable diet due to its nutrient density. And, as is the case for all food production,
it comes with a carbon cost. As part of the food industry, we have a great responsibility - and at the same time
a great opportunity - to do something about it. 83 per cent of our emissions come from farms, so that is where
we focus most of our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.
Arla farmers have reduced their emissions by 23 per
cent since 1990, and with our new global Climate
Check tool launched in 2019 we can now track
and guide their progress better. In 2021, 93 per
cent of our farmer owners answered the Climate
Check's 203 questions, covering feed, energy use,
manure management, housing and multiple other
relevant topics. Their answers were validated by
external experts who also gave each of the farmers a
personalised plan to reduce their climate footprint.
Based on the extensive data collected with the
Climate Check tool, we can say that our farmers are
amongst the most climate-efficient dairy farmers
in the world with 1.15 kg of CO2e per kg of milk.
But this is just the beginning. The number is not a
result - it is a baseline for how to improve. With their
personalised climate action plans, our farmer owners
now have a clear blueprint for how they can triple
the speed of CO₂ze reductions on their farms during
this decade. They will focus on five key areas.
More milk
per feed
A cow's feed has a big
influence on how much milk
it produces. If farmers manage
to maximise the milk per feed
ratio and minimise feed waste,
the milk will be more climate
Feeding precise
protein amounts
Cows need protein to stay
healthy and produce milk but,
like humans, they excrete
unnecessary protein. Carefully
measuring feed with the right
protein levels means less
nitrogen, a greenhouse gas, in
the manure.
Healthy and
happy cows
Cows that live a long and
healthy life will produce more
milk over their lifetime which
improves climate efficiency.
Just the right
amount of fertiliser
Crops grow better if they are
fertilised, but fertilisers emit
greenhouse gasses. Matching
precisely the amount of
fertiliser with the plants'
needs and using different
methods to spread the muck
can improve the yield per
carbon emission ratio.
Better feed
crop yield
A lot of our farmer owners
produce feed for their cows,
which is great, because
imported feed carries a higher
carbon footprint. Feed yield
can also be optimised to
increase climate efficiency.
66 Our farmers are amongst the
most climate-efficient dairy
farmers in the world with 1.15 kg
of CO2e per kg of milk 99
Result of our Climate Check programme
Animal welfare at Arla
In Arla we strongly believe that animals should be
treated well, and the welfare of our herds is a key
concern for our customers and consumers too.
We do not take it lightly to ensure that Arla cows
are well-cared for: our owners have to submit an
extensive report on their herds' well-being four
times a year. To have an even clearer picture of
animal welfare on farms, Arla also gathers data
from the National Herd Databases of our owner
countries to obtain information concerning the
average lifespan, mortality and the average age of
the cows at first calving. In an audit process
harmonized across all owner countries, farmers are
also visited by external experts specialized in
animal welfare at least once every three years, to
have their self-reported data validated and their
herds checked-on. We report the result of these
audits in our ESG section
Check our data in the ESG report
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