Working Toward the Mobility Society of the Future slide image

Working Toward the Mobility Society of the Future

Message from the President The Source of Our Value Creation: What Makes Us Toyota Value Creation Story: Working toward the Mobility Society of the Future Financial Summary (Consolidated) Fiscal years ended March 31 Business Foundations for Value Creation Corporate Data > Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members > Operating Officers and Organizational Structure > Global Perspective/Data by Region History Financial Summary > Corporate Information and Stock Information U.S. GAAP IFRS 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 2021 2022 U.S. GAAP IFRS Consolidated Vehicle Sales (thousands of units) 8,871 9,116 8,972 8,681 8,971 8,964 8,977 8,958 8,955 7,646 8,230 Foreign Exchange Yen to U.S. Dollar Rate 83 100 110 120 108 111 111 109 109 106 112 Rates Yen to Euro Rate 107 134 139 133 119 130 128 121 121 124 131 (Average) Net Revenues Sales Revenues (billions of yen) 22,064.1 25,691.9 27,234.5 28,403.1 27,597.1 29,379.5 30,225.6 29,929.9 29,866.5 27,214.5 31,379.5 Operating Income (Loss) Operating Income (Loss) (billions of yen) 1,320.8 2,292.1 2,750.5 2,853.9 1,994.3 2,399.8 2,467.5 2,442.8 2,399.2 2,197.7 2,995.6 Income (Loss) before Income Taxes Income (Loss) before Income Taxes (billions of yen) 1,403.6 2,441.0 2,892.8 2,983.3 2,193.8 2,620.4 2,285.4 2,554.6 2,792.9 2,932.3 3,990.5 Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Net Income (Loss)*1 (billions of yen) 962.1 1,823.1 2,173.3 2,312.6 1,831.1 2,493.9 1,882.8 2,076.1 2,036.1 2,245.2 2,850.1 Toyota Motor Corporation Cash Dividends (billions of yen) 285.0 522.9 631.3 645.5 627.5 642.6 626.8 610.8 610.8 671.0 718.2 Common Shares Cash Dividends per Share*2 (yen) 18 33 40 42 42 44 44 44 44 48 52 Payout Ratio (%) 29.6 28.7 29.0 28.3 34.6 26.1 33.8 29.9 30.2 29.8 25.3 Value of Shares Repurchased [shareholder return] *3 (billions of yen) 180.0 293.3 639.3 449.9 549.9 549.9 199.9 199.9 249.9 435.6 R&D Expenses Depreciation Expenses* Capital Expenditures*4 Total Liquid Assets*5 Total Assets (billions of yen) 807.4 910.5 1,004.5 1,055.6 1,037.5 1,064.2 1,048.8 1,110.3 1,110.3 1,090.4 1,124.2 (billions of yen) 727.3 775.9 806.2 885.1 893.2 964.4 984.8 812.8 803.3*6 876.9 1,007.2 (billions of yen) (billions of yen) 852.7 1,000.7 1,177.4 1,292.5 1,211.8 1,302.7 1,465.8 1,393.0 1,372.3 1,293.2 1,343.0 5,883.1 7,661.9 8,508.2 9,229.9 9,199.5 9,372.1 9,454.4 8,685.1 8,602.6 11,579.4 10,517.3 (billions of yen) 35,483.3 41,437.4 47,729.8 47,427.5 Shareholders' Equity Shareholders' Equity Return on Equity Return on Equity (ROE) Return on Assets Return on Assets (ROA) *1 Shows "Net income (loss) attributable to Toyota Motor Corporation" Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation (billions of yen) 12,148.0 14,469.1 16,788.1 16,746.9 48,750.1 50,308.2 51,936.9 17,514.8 18,735.9 19,348.1 52,680.4 53,972.3 62,267.1 67,688.7 20,060.6 20,618.8 23,404.5 26,245.9 (%) 8.5 13.7 13.9 13.8 10.6 13.7 9.8 10.4 10.0 10.2 11.5 (%) 2.9 4.7 4.9 4.9 3.8 5.0 3.7 4.0 3.8 3.9 4.4 *2 The above figures show dividends per common share on a post-stock split basis (values for after the five-for-one stock split of shares of our common stock conducted on October 1, 2021). *3 Value of common shares repurchased (shareholder return on net income for the period, excluding shares constituting less than one unit that were purchased upon request and repurchases made to avoid the dilution of shares) *4 Figures for depreciation expenses and capital expenditures do not include vehicles under operating leases and right of use assets *5 Represents cash and cash equivalents, time deposits, and investments in public and corporate bonds and trust funds, excluding those deriving from the financial services business *6 Depreciation methods were revised at the beginning of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION 61 INTEGRATED REPORT SEC Filing
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