Investor Presentation Q2FY2024 slide image

Investor Presentation Q2FY2024

Cash Flow Rs. In Cr. Profit Before Tax Sep-23 Sep-22 362 259 Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes 416 259 Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities (A) 212 85 Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Investing Activities (B) -150 -392 Net Cash Outflow from Financing Activities (C) 154 1,257 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) 217 949 Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of Year 833 94 Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of Year 1,049 1,043 INVESTOR PRESENTATION: Q2FY2024 AEGIS 13
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