Financial Performance and Restructuring Strategy slide image

Financial Performance and Restructuring Strategy

TAN fogether we can CRAR % Capital Adequacy G20 2023 INDIA bloის Amt in Crore 14.91% 14.50% 15.15% 14.74% Credit RWA/Gross Advances 2.69% 2.77% 2.54% 1.23% 1.32% 2.94% 1.37% Parameters Dec 21 Dec'22 YoY% 1.17% 64.3% Credit RWA 485634 527908 8.7% 61.6% Market RWA 46199 37972 -17.8% 10.99% 10.56% 10.88% 10.84% Operational RWA 69628 70220 0.9% Total RWA 601461 636099 5.8% Dec'21 Mar'22 Sept'22 Dec'22 CET ATI Tier II Global Advances 755306 856757 13.4% Dec'21 Dec'22 SI. Parameters Dec'21 1 Tier I 1a Common Equity 1b Additional Tier I 2 Tier II 3 Total (Tier I+II) 89701 Mar'22 Sept'22 Dec'22 73505 70458 76036 77700 66077 63430 67831 68983 7428 7028 8205 8717 16196 16653 15823 18685 87111 91859 96385 Capital Raised in FY22-23 Type of Bonds Plan Board Approved Capital Capital raised till 31.12.22 Additional Tier-I Bonds 5500 3240 Tier-II Bonds 6500 4000 Total amounts of Bonds 12000 7240 Highlights Business Financial Asset Quality Share/ Capital Digitalization Network/FI/GB/RRB ESG/ Award Page 33
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