Investor Presentaiton
Q4/2018: Net sales increased, quarter's profitability was
decreased due to higher sales and marketing costs
For 2018, as required by the IFRS standards, the graphs and tables contain figures reported according to the IFRS 15 and IFRS 9 standards adopted on 1 January 2018 and, as required by IFRS 15, figures adjusted
are disclosed as if they were prepared under 2017 revenue guidance. The comparative analysis in the presentation is disclosed as if the figures were prepared under 2017 revenue guidance.
Net sales increased 1.2% and amounted to EUR 237.5 million (234.6)
Mobile device sales and mobile service revenue were at a record high level
Growth in mobile service revenue* +4.6% was due to the growth of the mobile subscription base
Mobile device sales were up 7.3% from the reference period
Profitability in the last quarter was affected by higher sales and marketing costs
EBITDA decreased 4.5% and was EUR 62.7 million (65.7); share of net sales was 26.4% (28.0%)
Sales and marketing costs increased mainly due to the successful actions to secure our current customer base and to increase share
of more valuable subscriptions
The operating result decreased and was EUR 25.1 million (26.9), share of net sales was 10.6% (11.5%)
Strong momentum of operational KPI's
Revenue per user for mobile communications (ARPU) remained almost at the reference period level; EUR 18.9 (EUR 19.0)
Efforts to protect DNA's customer base were successful, CHURN decreased and was 14.8% (18.1%)
Mobile subscription base grew +66 000 y-on-y and was in total 2,877,000. Growth from the end of September 2018 +22 000
Subscription base for fixed broadband increased by +23,000 and cable-TV subscriptions increased by +11,000
*Mobile service revenue revenue generated by mobile subscriptions. Consumer and corporate mobile communication and mobile broadband services, corporate M2M services and corporate mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) services.
DNA's Investor presentation, February 2019
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