State and Scope of Property Taxation in Bangladesh
Section 1: Introduction - Context
The low tax-GDP ratio of Bangladesh, registering around 8 per cent throughout the last
decade (2013-2022), is emerging as a structural constraint for its development aspiration
ā A higher tax-GDP ratio is important for financing expanded development/public
expenditures, reducing the budget deficit and ensuring fiscal equity
ā The primary reasons for the low tax-GDP ratio in Bangladesh include low tax base
coverage, high leakage and pervasive tax evasion, institutional inefficiency and
inadequate political commitment
Reasons leading to rising demand for increasing tax revenue collection:
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Financing smooth LDC graduation
Enhanced post-COVID recovery
Improving competitiveness in the global market
IMF condition tied to fiscal support
State and Scope of Property Taxation in Bangladesh
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