Puerto Rico Manufacturing Proposition Analysis slide image

Puerto Rico Manufacturing Proposition Analysis

TTT If PR captures -5-30% of mfg. in-shored to US, up to $5B est. value in 2026 2 US in-shoring value will depend on federal actions; PR share of US value will depend on company/product segment fit Illustrative Total US Sales Estimated US sales in 2026 (high & medium potential) High Potential -$50B US sales (2026E) Varies by company/product segment Varies by tax scenario Non-US Mfg. Value¹ Total US Mfg. In-Shoring Value² Puerto Rico Mfg. In-Shoring Value³,4 Share of US sales from non- US mfg. products Share of non-US mfg. value in-shored to US Share of US in-shoring value captured by Puerto Rico Biopharma Medium Potential -$500B US sales (2026E) High Potential -$5-15B1 US sales (2026E) Estimate non-US mfg. value from 2019 import % by product category Med tech Medium Potential -$130B+ US sales (2026E) Assume greater % of high potential products likely in- shored (vs. medium) Assume company/ product with strong value prop fit more likely to choose PR ~$0.5-4.5B5 US sales (2026E) 1. Based on size of US imports compared to US sales (value of final assembly for products) 2. Varies depending on federal tax incentive scenario and by product/company segments based on likelihood to in-shore mfg. 3. Assume PR captures share of US pharma/medtech in-shored sales approx. equal to PR share of US exports (proxy for mfg. footprint), adjusted for product/company segments with strong value proposition fit 4. Jobs and tax revenues vary depending on estimated in-shoring value 5. Potential direct value; estimated range varies by tax scenario Source: Fitch Solutions/BMI, Evaluate Pharma, PharmNets, GlobalData, PIIE, Research and Markets, USTR, WHO, WTO, DEDC PR, USFDA, synthesized expert interviews, BCG analysis Copyright 2020 by Boston Consulting Group. All rights reserved.
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