Operational Productivity and Efficiency in CMPC slide image

Operational Productivity and Efficiency in CMPC

3 Dynamics of the pulp market cmpc FIBER WORLD CONSUMPTION required to produce 411 million tons of Paper&Board VIRGIN FIBER used to produce Paper&Board (M tons) MARKET PULP consumed to manufacture Paper&Board (M tons) Recover Paper 244 million tons (57%) UKP Mec 2 Sulphite 5 Virgin Pulp 181 million tons (43%) Integrated 117 million tons (65%) Market Pulp 64 million tons BSKP 25 BHKP 32 (35%) 425 million tons of total fibers Source: CMPC, Hawkins Wright and RISI 64 million tons of market pulp 32 million tons of BHKP 15
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