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Investor Presentaiton

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the work of the Human Rights Defender's Office? 100% 90% 80% 70% 68% 63% 60% 61% 52% 50% 40% 45% 41% 30% 26% 24% 25% 24% 25% 20% 12% 13% 10% 14% 7% 0% Oct-2018 Oct-2019 May-2021 Dec-2021 Mar-2023 Satisfied Dissatisfied Don't know/Refused * Interviews for the May 2021 and December 2021 were conducted via computer-assisted phone interviews (CATI). Other previous polls were conducted through face-to-face interviews. ** Satisfied includes responses "somewhat satisfied" and "very satisfied." Dissatisfied includes responses "somewhat dissatisfied" and "very dissatisfied." *** Prior to 2021, this question was asked with a favorable/unfavorable scale. 26
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