Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
New reality
Source: KPMG - Nova
realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
Due to the new reality caused by COVID-19, Industries/companies will have to travel along an extended path, requiring
capital reserves to resist and transform operational and business models to emerge stronger and more aligned with
changing priorities and in the behavioral patterns of consumers.
Business Model:
Creation of new revenue lines by offering services related to mobility,
connectivity and after-sales services. Creation of offers that reduce the
entry ticket and TCO of products (subscription); creation of offers that
balance product customization and greater operational efficiency (just in
time); creation of "digital culture" in the relationship with consumers
throughout the journey; increase in the customer experience strategy;
strengthening of export strategy (more products and in diversified markets)
Operational Model:
Reduction of operational costs (RPA in the back-office, home-office where
applicable); increase in operational efficiency (just in time) Reduction in the
number of dealers and suppliers, both larger; reduction of dependence on
imports of parts and components, translated into the strengthening of the
initiative to increase the percentage of nationalization. Industry undergoing an
important transition worldwide, to electric cars and others, with entire countries
committing to zero emissions. The simplification of electric motor construction
and deep automation have an impact on Brazilian industry planning
Changes In Consumer Habits:
Search for products with lower entry tickets and TCO;
an increase in advertisements about health safety,
which consequently brought about the revaluation of
ownership of the vehicle itself and the rationalization
of the use of mobility/public transport services.
Greater acceptance of the use of digital channels to
purchase vehicles.
Lean Strategy:
Improvement of financial / operational indicators
panel using new technologies.
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