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Investor Presentaiton

Ayurveda - Science of Life What is Ayurveda? Salient features of Ayurveda 1 Heals by activating the natural inherent curative force of the body Dabur 2 Believes in complete cure and not only control of signs and symptoms "Ayur" + "Veda" = Science of Life 3 Gives more stress on why is the problem rather than what is the problem • Ayurveda is the traditional system of healthcare which promotes PREVENTION FIRST and CURE NEXT 4 Being natural, its relative safety is better than conventional chemical drugs • Based upon Natural Remedies which incorporate the healing properties of plants and herbs 5 Believes not only in restoration of Health, but also the dynamic internal balance 6 Holistic in nature and cures the patient as a whole and not the symptoms of disease alone 3
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