ANNUAL REPORT 2021 slide image


LUNDBECK ANNUAL REPORT 2021 E CONTENTS CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 25 89/111 25 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - CONTINUED Income tax The Parent company and Danish subsidiaries are jointly taxed with the principal shareholder, Lundbeckfonden (Lundbeckfond Invest A/S), and its Danish subsidiaries. The current Danish corporate income tax liability is allocated among the companies of the tax pool in proportion to their taxable income (full allocation subject to reimbursement in respect of tax losses). Tax for the year, which consists of the year's current tax and the change in deferred tax, is recognized in the statement of profit or loss as regards the amount that can be attributed to the net profit or loss for the year, in other comprehensive income as regards the amount that can be attributed to items in other comprehensive income, and in equity as regards the amount that can be attributed to items in equity. The effect of foreign exchange differences on deferred tax is recognized in the statement of financial position as part of the movements in deferred tax. The current income tax charge is calculated on the basis of the tax laws enacted or substantively enacted at the end of the reporting period in the countries where the Group operates and generates taxable income. Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to interpretation and considers whether it is probable that a tax authority will accept an uncertain tax treatment. The Group measures its tax balances based on either the most likely amount or the expected value, depending on which method provides a better prediction of the resolution of the uncertainty. Current tax for the year is calculated based on the income tax rates and rules applicable at the reporting date. Current tax payables and receivables, including contributions payable and receivable under the Danish joint taxation scheme, are recognized in the balance sheet, computed as tax calculated on the taxable income for the year adjusted for provisional tax paid. Deferred tax is recognized on all temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their tax bases. However, deferred tax is not recognized on temporary differences arising either on initial recognition of goodwill or from a transaction that is not a business combination, if the temporary difference ascertained at the time of the initial recognition affects neither the financial result nor the taxable income. The tax value of the assets is calculated based on the planned use of the individual assets. Deferred tax is measured on the basis of the income tax rates and tax rules in force in the respective countries at the balance sheet date. Changes in deferred tax resulting from changed income tax rates or tax rules are recognized in profit or loss. Deferred tax assets, including the tax value of tax loss carryforwards, are recognized in the balance sheet at the value at which the assets are expected to be realized, either through an offset against deferred tax liabilities or as net tax assets to be offset against future positive taxable income. Changes in deferred tax concerning expenses for share-based payments are generally recognized in profit or loss. However, if the amount of the tax deduction exceeds the related cumulative expense, it indicates that the tax deduction relates not only to an operating expense, but also to an equity item. In such a case, the excess of the associated current or deferred tax is recognized directly in equity. Deferred tax in respect of recaptured losses previously deducted in foreign subsidiaries is recognized on the basis of a specific assessment of each individual subsidiary. Balances on interest deductibility limitations calculated according to the provisions of the Danish Corporation Tax Act are allocated between the jointly-taxed companies according to a joint taxation agreement and are allocated between the companies that are subject to deductibility limitation in proportion to their share of the total limitation. Deferred tax liabilities in respect of these balances are recognized in the balance sheet, whereas deferred tax assets are recognized only if the criteria for recognition of deferred tax assets are met. Statement of financial position Intangible assets Goodwill On initial recognition, goodwill is measured and recognized as the excess of the cost over the fair value of the acquired assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities. Development projects Development costs are recognized in profit or loss as they are incurred unless the conditions for capitalization have been met. Development costs are capitalized only if the development projects are clearly defined and identifiable and where the technical rate of utilization of the project, the availability of adequate resources and a potential future market or development opportunity can be demonstrated. Furthermore, such costs are capitalized only where the intention is to manufacture, market or use the project, when the cost can be measured reliably and when it is probable that the future earnings can cover production, sales and distribution costs, administrative expenses and development costs. After completion of the development work, development costs are amortized over the estimated useful life. The maximum amortization period for development projects protected by intellectual property rights is consistent with the remaining patent protection period of the rights concerned. Ongoing development projects are tested for impairment at least annually or when there is indication of impairment.
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