Investor Presentaiton
Halal industry Hall
Hall 14
It is expected that by 2025 the share of halal products will be at least 20% of all products produced in the world.
In modern conditions in the Russian economic system, the halal industry is becoming the basis of international
cooperation between Russia and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. In this regard, it is
particularly relevant to study the international experience of standardization and certification of Halal
products. What are the requirements for standardization and certification of Halal products in the OIC
countries? What is the accreditation procedure for Halal certification bodies in different countries? What
experience can Russia adopt?
Invited moderator:
Anton Shalaev, GENERAL DIRECTOR of Rosstandart.
Invited speakers:
Haidar Hajjeh, Director General of the Palestine Standards Institution;
Farah Ali Al-Zarouni, Assistant Deputy Minister of Industry and Advanced Technologies of the UAE;
Absamat Akimov, Deputy Director General of the National Accreditation Center of the Republic of
Ilham Bayramov, General Director of the Azerbaijan Institute of Standards;
Ruslan Ismailov, Member of the Management Board, Deputy General Director, Director of the Magnit
retail chain;
Maxim Protasov, Head of Russian Quality System.
Organizer: The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Purpose of the session: joint definition of strategies for the development of national film production and
international film projects for the economic development of the territories.
State cultural policy is especially important in terms of transmitting moral, ethical, and spiritual guidelines of
social life to the new generations. Integration of a person into cultural activities allows transmitting this ideology
to him/her, to lay down in him/her respect for the history and traditions of his/her country. The spiritual
development of citizens, their national self-determination, uniting society, and forming a citizen as an
independent thinking and creative person, whose mentality relies on the use of the full potential of national
In this regard, the national cinema that responds to both internal ethnic and global cultural challenges
becomes relevant. It is important to create high-quality films that will be interesting to the whole world, original,
carrying a charge of national mentality and having its own film language.
The development of national and ethnic cinema, on the one hand, is a story about the natural, cultural, and
industrial features of the region, and on the other hand, is attracting the attention of young people, their
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