Investor Presentaiton
Year ended 31 December 2020
Functional currency
Items included in the financial statements are measured and presented in US dollars, the currency of the
primary economic environment in which the Company operates.
All currency amounts in the financial statements are rounded to the nearest thousand US dollars.
Foreign currencies
All monetary assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than US dollars are translated into US
dollars at the rates ruling at the reporting date. Transactions and non-monetary assets and liabilities
denominated in currencies other than US dollars are recorded at the rates prevailing at the dates of the
transactions. Foreign exchange differences arising from remeasurement of the amortised cost of fair value
through other comprehensive income ("FVOCI") assets are recognised in the income statement. All other
gains and losses from movements in foreign exchange rates on FVOCI assets are recorded in other
comprehensive income. All other translation differences are taken through the income statement.
Exchange differences recognised in the income statement are presented in ‘Other revenue' or 'Other
expense', except where noted in 3(c) below.
Financial instruments
Financial instruments mandatorily at fair value through profit and loss
Trading financial instruments
Trading financial instruments include all derivatives contracts.
Trading financial instruments are initially recorded on trade date at fair value (see note 3(d) below).
All subsequent changes in fair value and foreign exchange differences are reflected in the income
statement in 'Net trading income/(expense)'.
Transaction costs are incremental costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, issue or disposal
of a financial instrument. For all trading financial instruments, transaction costs are excluded from the
initial fair value measurement of the financial instrument. These costs are recognised in the income
statement in 'Other expense'.
Non-trading financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Non-trading financial assets at fair value through profit or loss ("FVPL") include secured financing
transactions such as securities purchased under agreements to resell.
Non-trading financial assets at FVPL are principally financial assets where the Company makes
decisions based upon the assets' fair values and are generally recognised on settlement date at fair value
(see note 3(d) below), since they are neither regular way nor are they derivatives. From the date the
terms are agreed (trade date), until the financial asset is funded (settlement date), the Company
recognises any unrealised fair value changes in the financial asset as non-trading financial assets at
FVPL. On settlement date, the fair value of consideration given is recognised as a non-trading financial
asset at FVPL.
Realised interest is included within ‘Interest income' or 'Interest expense'.
For all non-trading financial assets at FVPL, transaction costs are excluded from the initial fair value
measurement of the financial assets. These costs are recognised in the income statement in ‘Other
expense' (note 8).
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