Metallic Minerals Potential in Timor Leste slide image

Metallic Minerals Potential in Timor Leste

A brief summary of minerals occurence Copper The mineralisation occurs as massive sulphides, the veinlets containing chalcopyrite and pyrite in the ultra basic units, with extensive serpentinites alteration and with evidence of intrusive diorite/diabase. In the Ossuala area (Baucau district) sampling by Allied Mining Company (Wittouck, 1937) returned values of 10% Cu, 3 g/t Au and 170 g/t Ag Gold The gold mineralisation has been observed in several forms as quartz, quartz-calcite and calcite veins hosted by shale/slate or schist. The vein are pyritized and mineralized with gold. In Hilimanu area the mineralisation occurs in the metamorphosed igneous rock. The mineralisation are associated with quartz veins ( 0,5 - 12 m wide) containing chalcopyrite, limonite and calcedony. Some samples analysed indicates average grade of 0,5 g/t Au and 50 g/t Ag.
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