Investor Presentaiton
Modern Gold Mining in Japan
Hishikari mine is the largest active gold mine in Japan.
Gold production is about 225 Koz per year. A head
grade of 30 gpt Au is achieved by ore sorting, optical
ore sorters used for small pieces of rock and hand
labor used for sorting larger pieces (right).
Hishikari has no mill. High-grade ore is shipped to
Sumitomo Metal Mining's smelters where it is utilized
as smelter flux. Gold and silver are recovered during
smelting and refining of copper resulting in high
recoveries and low processing costs.
Similarly, silica-rich gold ores ("keisan-ko") from the
Akeshi mine (Mitsui Kushikino Kozan Co. Ltd.) and
Kasuga and Iwato mines (Nippon Mining) are utilized
for smelter flux.
The Kushikino mine complex (Mitsui Kushikino Kozan
Co. Ltd.) is the only operating gold mine utilizing a CN
mill for processing. Gold-bearing industrial waste and
low grade ore from Hishikari are also treated at this
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