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Investor Presentaiton

The employer is being liquidated or is ceasing to carry on business. - The employer is relocating. ā€• The employer is undergoing organisational changes. - The employee has committed a serious disciplinary breach. Where an employment contract is terminated for any of the reasons under points 1 to 3, the employer is obliged to pay the employee up to three months' severance pay depending on the duration of the employment relationship. Specific termination conditions apply in re- spect of temporarily disabled employees, preg nant women and employees caring for minors. Specific termination conditions, severance pay rules and other conditions may also be includ- ed in a collective agreement, if in force. During the trial period, the employment con- tract may be terminated by either side for any reason, or without any reason being given. Employment agencies An alternative to employment contracts is agency employment. An employment agency provides its clients with human resources, without the clients hav- ing to conclude employment contracts with the employees. Even though this option is more ex- pensive, it provides flexibility in the allocation of human resources. Mass layoffs If an employer terminates the employment re- lationships of a certain number of employees as defined in the Labour Code, for the specific reasons set out above under points 1 to 3, with in a period of 30 calendar days, this is consid- ered a mass layoff and special conditions, such as a notification obligation to the Labour Office and unions, apply. Trade unions Unions can be formed freely and neither the state nor any other subject can restrict their formation. Trade unions engage in collective bargaining at a national level. A tripartite council including representatives from trade unions, employers and the government meets annually to discuss labour issues. The role of trade unions in the Czech Republic is to formulate and assure the labour, economic and social interests of employees. The aim is to reach an agreement with the employer based on the collective bargaining. 41
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