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Investor Presentaiton

LOUISIANA CORPORATE CREDIT UNION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. MEMBERS' SHARES AND CERTIFICATES A summary of members' shares and certificates is as follows: December 31, 2021 Daily shares Fixed callable certificates Paid-in capital shares Total $ 208,888,350 2,498,000 37,145 $211,423,495 2020 $ 200,597,501 37,145 $ 200,634,646 During 2021, the Credit Union issued $2,498,000 of callable, fixed rate share certificates, which mature on March 30, 2026, if not called prior by the Credit Union. The aggregate amounts of members' shares and certificates over $250,000 were $204,279,287 and $195,390,991 as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively. 5. BORROWED FUNDS The Credit Union maintains a line of credit as follows: December 31, 2021 Lender Outstanding Balance Available Balance Federal Home Loan Bank $ $ 125,699,946 December 31, 2020 Outstanding Available Lender Federal Home Loan Bank Balance Balance $ $ 131,150,923 The line of credit is secured by the Credit Union's investment securities available for sale as deemed eligible by the FHLB (Note 2) and is renewable annually. The interest rate is priced daily based on the FHLB of Dallas' discount note market. 6. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS Defined Contribution Retirement Plans The Credit Union sponsors a defined contribution safe harbor 401(k) retirement plan for all eligible employees. All full-time employees with one year of service are eligible, and vesting is graduated over six years. The Credit Union makes matching contributions equal to 100% of the participant's first 5% of salary contributed. The Credit Union may also make discretionary contributions at the direction of management. The plan was amended effective January 1, 2020, to add a safe harbor non-elective contribution equal to 3% of eligible compensation. This safe harbor contribution is fully vested to the participants. During the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, the amount contributed by the Credit Union and charged to expense was $44,587 and $43,907, respectively. - 14 -
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