EDPR at a Glance slide image

EDPR at a Glance

Our Strategy We will keep leveraging our distinctive Asset Rotation model... Asset Rotation strategy allows for superior value creation... ~€7bn AR proceeds and capital gains >4 GW/yr ~30% Build to Sell ... proven by a consistent track record Upfront value crystallization reinvested at >200bps spread Growth acceleration with less capital Reduction of merchant tail risk >€20bn EV1 rotated track record since 2012 ~€1.7m/MW Avg. EV/MW in 2021-232 ~70% Build to Own NPV captured throughout life of the asset Scale and synergies enhancement Recurrent/low-risk annual CFs 2023-26 ~40% Avg. AR gains/invested capital in 2021-23 Proceeds re-invested in quality and value accretive projects, enhancing value creation at attractive multiples 1. Considering EV at 100% 2. Average proceeds of Wind and Solar per MW edp Renewables 21
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