Getinge 2022 Annual Report
Getinge 2022 Annual Report
Note 1 cont.
Corporate Governance
Annual Report
Sustainability Report
Other information
for loss allowance, meaning that the reserve will correspond to the
expected loss for the full lifetime of the receivable. Expected credit
losses on accounts receivable are recognized under the item selling
expenses in profit or loss.
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost
The Group's other financial liabilities are initially measured at fair
value, net after transaction costs. Other financial liabilities are sub-
sequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest
method. Long-term liabilities have an expected term longer than
one year while current liabilities have a term of less than 12 months.
This category includes liabilities to credit institutions, issued
bonds, accounts payable and other current liabilities.
Cash and cash equivalents
The major portion of cash and cash equivalents comprises cash
funds held at financial institutions, and only a minor portion com-
prises current liquid investments with a term from the acquisition
date of less than three months, which are exposed to only an insig-
nificant risk of value fluctuations. Cash and cash equivalents are
recognized at nominal amounts, which are equivalent to fair value.
Financial assets measured at fair value
Financial assets in this category comprise derivatives. They are
included in current assets if they are expected to be settled within
12 months of the end of the reporting period, otherwise, they are
classified as non-current assets. All derivatives are measured at fair
value in the balance sheet. Changes in fair value are recognized as a
component of other comprehensive income insofar as they are part
of a hedging relationship that qualifies as hedge accounting. They
are reversed to profit or loss when the hedged transaction occurs.
Derivatives that do not meet the requirements for hedge account-
ing are measured at fair value through profit or loss.
Hedge accounting
For derivative instruments or other financial instruments that meet
hedge accounting requirements under the cash flow hedging method
or hedging of net investments in foreign operations method, the
effective component of the value change is recognized in other
comprehensive income. Accumulated value changes from cash
flow hedges are reversed from equity to profit or loss at the same
time as the hedged item impacts profit or loss. Accumulated value
changes from the hedging of net investments in foreign operations
are reversed from equity to profit or loss when the foreign operation
is divested in full or in part. Interest-bearing liabilities to which
hedge accounting has been applied in accordance with the method
for fair value hedging are measured at fair value regarding the
hedged risk. The effect of the hedge is recognized on the same line
as the hedged item.
Fair value
The fair value of derivative instruments was calculated using the
most reliable market prices available. This requires all instruments
that are traded in an effective market, such as currency forward
contracts, to be measured at market-to-market at current prices.
In terms of instruments for which no reliable prices were available,
such as interest-rate swaps, cash flows were discounted using
deposit and interest-rate swaps for the currency in question.
Translation to SEK is conducted at the closing day rate.
Remuneration to employees
Recognition of pensions
Getinge has both defined-contribution and defined-benefit pension
plans, of which some have assets in special funds or similar securi-
ties. The plans are usually financed by payments from the respec-
tive Group companies and the employees. The Group's Swedish
companies are generally covered by the ITP plan, which does not
require any payments from employees.
Defined-benefit plans
Pension expenses for defined-benefit plans are calculated using
the Projected Unit Credit Method in a manner that distributes
expenses over the employee's working life. The calculation is
performed annually by independent actuaries. These commitments
are measured at the present value of expected future payments,
with consideration given to calculated future salary increases, and
utilizing a discount rate corresponding to the interest rate of first-
class company or government bonds with a remaining term that
is almost equivalent to the actual commitments. The Group's net
liabilities for each defined-benefit plan (which is also recognized in
the balance sheet), comprises the present value of the obligation
less the fair value of the plan assets. If the value of the plan assets
exceeds the value of the obligation, a surplus arises, which is
recognized as an asset. The recognized asset value is limited to the
total of costs related to services rendered during previous periods
and the present value of future repayments from the plan, or re-
ductions in future contributions to the plan. The actuarial assump-
tions constitute the company's best assessment of the different
variables that determine the costs of providing the benefits. When
actuarial assumptions are used, the actual results could differ from
the estimated results, and actuarial assumptions change from one
period to another. These differences are recognized as actuarial
gains and losses. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized in other
comprehensive income for the period in which they are incurred.
Costs for defined-benefit pension plans in profit or loss
comprise the total costs for service during the current and earlier
years, interest on commitments and the expected return on plan
assets. Costs for service during the current period and previous
periods are recognized as employee costs. The interest component
of pension expenses is recognized under financial expenses.
Defined-contribution plans
These are plans in which the company pays fixed fees to a separate
legal entity and does not have any legal or informal obligation to
pay additional fees. The Group's payments for defined-contribution
plans are recognized as expenses during the period in which the
employees perform the services that the fee covers. The part of the
Swedish ITP plan concerning family pension, disability pension, and
employment group life insurance financed by insurance with Alecta
is a defined-benefit pension multi-employer plan. For this pension
scheme, according to IAS 19, a company is primarily to recognize its
proportionate share of the defined-benefit pension commitment
and the plan assets and expenses associated with the pension plan.
The financial statements are also to include disclosure required for
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