Orizon Sustainability and ESG Initiatives slide image

Orizon Sustainability and ESG Initiatives

ORIZON ||| ABOUT US NATURAL CAPITAL GOVERNANCE HUMAN CAPITAL SOCIAL PLATFORM PERFORMANCE GRI SUMMARY < 13 > WASTE TO ENERGY BIOGAS CARBON CREDITS ECOPARK FUEL BIOMETHANE SINGEME RECYCLABLE MATERIALS RENEWABLE ENERGY NINGZE ABOUT US ORIZON GRI 2-1, 2-6 At the forefront of the country's urban sustainability agenda and with operations in eight states in the form of 13 ecoparks, Orizon VR was born with ESG in its DNA. Its lines of business optimize the circular economy, with the correct final disposal of solid waste. The Company transforms biogas (which is naturally created out of the decomposition of the waste it receives at its ecoparks) into bio-methane and renewable energy. As well as these products, the company also sorts recyclable materials, which can then be reintroduced to the industrial production chain, and it is also one of the country's leading carbon credit generators. In 2021, it became a Publicly Traded Joint Stock Corporation, with an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of shares on the B3. At that point, the Company started its expansion plan. The Company is responsible for the Novagerar Landfill Gas Project, the first sanitary landfill project in the world to generate and trade carbon credits by means of the UN's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The Company is one of the biggest credit generators in the country. Through this line of business, the company contributes to the equivalent of 16 million trees being planted every year or around one million cars being taken off the roads. ORI FERTILIZER GREEN DERIVED FROM WASTE
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