TA Petro Overview of SVC Leases and Financial Upside slide image

TA Petro Overview of SVC Leases and Financial Upside

Truck Service - Recapturing Market Share Framing the Opportunity • We believe the truck repair business market share has declined in recent years due to a weak response to competition • TA has identified four actionable areas of improvement: (1) (2) 1 Technician efficiency 2 Pricing strategy 3 Lowering RoadSquad Emergency Road Service abandonment rate 4 Lowering technician turnover Opportunity to roll out "Truck Services Rehab❞ plan throughout entire network $658mm of Truck Service Sales (LTM Ended 9/30/2020)(1) X 1% Truck Service Sales Margin Improvement (2) ~$7mm of EBITDA / EBITDAR "Truck Services Rehab" Program Overview Led by District Manager well versed in the business at the site level Changed Scheduling • Adjusted scheduling to reduce wait times and improve tech efficiency at each of the 5 sites Immediate Results • In the first 8 weeks: - Waiting time decreased by 33% -Tech productivity increased by 4% X Expert "SWAT" Team • Executive team assigned to identify underperforming sites, conduct bottoms up review and develop site level improvement plan • 5 initial sites chosen in April 2020 Improved Management • Reiterated and reinforced standard operating procedures to reduce wait time and tech attrition at each site Outstanding Sales Growth • Across the 5 sites: - ― Saw average weekly sales increase of +3% Total Sales growth of 13% from week 1 to week 8 Based on $658 million of last twelve months ended September 30, 2020 Truck Service Sales as sourced Travel Centers of Americas FY 2019 10-K and 3Q 2020 10-Q. Represents an assumed hypothetical 1% increase in margin on truck service sales. While management believes a 1% increase in nargin on truck service sales is reasonable based on ongoing and contemplated initiatives, it is not a guarantee of future performance, and we may fail to achieve such increase. 24 TA PETRO TAEXPRESS Stopping Centers
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