TA Petro Overview of SVC Leases and Financial Upside
Truck Service - Recapturing Market Share
Framing the Opportunity
• We believe the truck repair business market share has
declined in recent years due to a weak response to
• TA has identified four actionable areas of improvement:
1 Technician efficiency
2 Pricing strategy
3 Lowering RoadSquad Emergency Road Service
abandonment rate
4 Lowering technician turnover
Opportunity to roll out "Truck Services Rehab❞ plan
throughout entire network
$658mm of Truck Service Sales
(LTM Ended 9/30/2020)(1)
1% Truck Service Sales
Margin Improvement (2)
"Truck Services Rehab" Program Overview
Led by District Manager
well versed in the
business at the site level
Changed Scheduling
Adjusted scheduling
to reduce wait times
and improve tech
efficiency at each of
the 5 sites
Immediate Results
• In the first 8 weeks:
- Waiting time
decreased by 33%
-Tech productivity
increased by 4%
Expert "SWAT" Team
• Executive team
assigned to identify
underperforming sites,
conduct bottoms up
review and develop site
level improvement plan
• 5 initial sites chosen in
April 2020
Improved Management
• Reiterated and
reinforced standard
operating procedures to
reduce wait time and
tech attrition at each
Outstanding Sales Growth
• Across the 5 sites:
Saw average weekly
sales increase of
Total Sales growth of
13% from week 1 to
week 8
Based on $658 million of last twelve months ended September 30, 2020 Truck Service Sales as sourced Travel Centers of Americas FY 2019 10-K and 3Q 2020 10-Q.
Represents an assumed hypothetical 1% increase in margin on truck service sales. While management believes a 1% increase in nargin on truck service sales is reasonable based on ongoing and contemplated initiatives, it is not a guarantee
of future performance, and we may fail to achieve such increase.
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