FY23 Results - Investor Presentation slide image

FY23 Results - Investor Presentation

P&L Continuing Operations | Appendix: Continuing Operations - P&L by Quarters FY21 FY22 FY23 YoY Movement FY21-FY23 (full FY) YoY Movement Q4FY22 RM'mil Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 40 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 VS Q4FY21 Q4FY23 VS Q4FY22 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY22 vs FY21 FY23 vs Y22 NII 576 706 746 775 786 769 815 781 831 913 930 824 1% 5% 2,802 3,151 3,498 12% 11% ΝΟΙΙ 301 267 291 239 281 221 243 205 213 260 301 336 (14%) 64% 1,098 950 1,110 (13%) 17% Income 877 972 1,037 1,013 1,067 989 1,058 986 1,044 1,173 1,231 1,160 (3%) 18% 3,900 4,100 4,608 5% 12% Expenses (422) (439) (468) (462) (424) (437) (450) (478) (469) (478) (497) (556) 4% 16% (1,790) (1,789) (1,999) 12% PBP 455 533 569 552 643 552 608 508 575 695 734 605 (8%) 19% 2,110 2,311 2,609 10% 13% (Impairment) (48) (335) (262) (494) (203) (173) (338) (53) (66) (88) (149) (51) (89%) (5%) (1,139) (768) (354) (33%) (54%) / Writeback Goodwill & other (1,937) N/A N/A (1,937) N/A N/A impairment Settlement (2,830) N/A N/A (2,830) N/A N/A PBT/(LBT) 407 198 307 (4,709) 440 380 270 454 509 608 585 554 ▲ >100% PAT/(LAT) 317 190 232 (4,731) 339 293 377 358 395 466 453 428 ▲ >100% 22% (3,797) 1,544 2,255 19% (3,993) 1,366 1,742 >100% 46% >100% 28% Adjustments 4,788 (161) (4) 4,788 (165) Core PAT¹,2 317 190 232 571 339 293 216 354 395 466 453 428 >100% 21% 795 1,201 1,742 51% 45% CTI 48.1% 45.2% 45.1% 45.5% 39.7% 44.2% 42.5% 48.5% 44.9% 40.7% 40.4% 47.9% 3.0% ▼(0.6%) 45.9% 43.6% 43.4% ▼ (2.3%) ▼ (0.2%) FY Financial Year 1. 2. Excluding exceptional one-off items of RM4,767mil and related legal and professional expenses of RM21mil Excluding i) tax credit of RM261mil (inclusive of tax credit relating to Settlement of RM235mil and RM26mil tax claims from prior years), offset by ii) Cukai Makmur (Prosperity Tax) charge of RM96mil AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 42
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