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Investor Presentaiton

HKAS 1.51(a) HKAS 1.49 HK Listco Ltd Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 Sch 4, Part 1, Section 2(1)(a) 37 COMPANY-LEVEL STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 292 HKAS 1.113 HKAS 1.51(e) HKAS 1.60 & 66 HKAS 1.54(a) HKAS 1.54(d) Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Investments in subsidiaries Other financial assets 2023 $'000 2022 $'000 $'000 $'000 94,667 86,865 74,395 69,395 31,726 27,289 200,788 183,549 HKAS 1.60 & 66 HKAS 1.54(d) Current assets HKFRS 7.8(a)(ii) HKAS 1.54(g) Trading securities 58,331 58,020 Inventories 50,368 59,134 HKAS 1.54(h) HKFRS 7.8(f) HKAS 1.54(i) Trade and other receivables 230,947 246,903 Cash and cash equivalents 55,185 32,451 394,831 396,508 HKAS 1.60 & 69 Current liabilities HKAS 1.54(k) Trade and other payables 76,062 103,369 HKAS 1.54(m) HKFRS 7.8(g) HKAS 1.54(m) HKFRS 16.47(b) HKAS 1.54(n) Bank loans 19,441 17,208 Lease liabilities 21,329 15,271 Current taxation 2,475 2,440 119,307 138,288 HKAS 1.60 & 69 HKAS 1.54(m) HKFRS 7.8(g) HKAS 1.54(m) HKFRS 16.47(b) HKAS 1.54(o) & 56 Sch 4, Part 292 1, Section 2(1)(a), (3) HKAS 1.113-114 Net current assets Total assets less current liabilities Non-current liabilities Interest-bearing borrowings Lease liabilities Deferred tax liabilities NET ASSETS 275,524 476,312 258,220 441,769 32,119 38,174 48,963 3,103 53,202 2,418 84,185 392,127 93,794 347,975 In accordance with Schedule 4 to the CO when a company prepares consolidated financial statements, a company-level statement of financial position is required to be disclosed as a note to the consolidated financial statements. Schedule 4 specifically requires that the company-level statement of financial position must be in the format in which that statement would have been prepared if the holding company had not been required to prepare any annual consolidated financial statements for the financial year. This means that the company should apply the general requirements of HKAS 1 to prepare the company-level statement of financial position as if the statement were presented as a primary statement. The CO is not explicit as to where in the notes the company-level statement of financial position should be placed. If the directors wish to draw attention to this statement and yet comply with a literal interpretation of Schedule 4, they would be advised to include the statement as note 1 or otherwise in a prominent position in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. In this illustration, the company-level statement of financial position is disclosed as a separate note at the end of the notes relating to the financial year (i.e. immediately before the note on non-adjusting events after the reporting period). However, the statement can be located in any place in the notes to the consolidated financial statements which is considered sensible, in accordance with HKAS 1's general principle that notes should be presented in a systematic manner. 193 © 2023 KPMG, a Hong Kong partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited ("KPMG International"), a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
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