Growing Where Technology Matters Most slide image

Growing Where Technology Matters Most

Continuous Growth in Efficiency and Productivity Cost Efficiency FTE Productivity 25% 20% $38.7K 19% $66.0K $84.1K $121.0M $158.6M $185.3M $17.6M $33.0M $42.7M Q3-21 Q3-22 Q3-23 Q3-21 Q3-22 Revenue % OPEX+COGS¹ ¡HUB as a shared infrastructure resource Q3-23 Adj. EBITDA Adj. EBITDA per FTE² Incremental revenue with low variable cost Offshoring our operations 1 Non-GAAP Operating Expenses and Cost of Revenue. Please see the Appendix to this presentation for a reconciliation to the nearest GAAP metric 2 FTE Includes sub-contractors 24 24
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