PERU LNG 2021 Annual Report
"Joining forces against COVID-19 is an initiative by PERU
LNG and Caritas del Peru; its purpose was to complement
the work of the Peruvian State to improve the response
capacity of health services to COVID-19 and to reinforce
COVID-19 prevention efforts among the population of
eight settlements in the provinces of Cañete, Chincha
and Pisco in the departments of Lima and Ica.
The project has strengthened the role of community
healthcare agents in promoting good health and
preventing illnesses. The establishments requiring the
most work with the community are those in Tambo de
Mora and Paracas.
When diagnosing the condition of an organisation or the
suitability of health services, key informants in the sector
explained that health systems are overloaded and lack
the materials and equipment necessary to protect health
workers and other users of the service. Statements from
health professionals confirm that the project has improved
the response capacity to the COVID-19 pandemic. In
some cases this improvement is immediate when PPE,
medicines and materials for cleaning and disinfection
are supplied but is a medium-term phenomenon when.
medical equipment and devices are concerned. It should
be emphasised that in all healthcare establishments
the local health authorities were encouraged to become
Improvements were made to the improvised spaces used
to treat suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19.
In other words the project has implemented separate
locations for treating COVID-19 cases from other
treatment centres. In general, the project team found
little participation by local governments, or coordination
between them and healthcare facilities in addressing the
pandemic and this is confirmed by key personnel from
each settlement.
Three types of materials and equipment were donated to
each health centre as part of the project:
1. Personnel protection equipment (PPE) for COVID-19.
2. Equipment, inputs medical supplies for COVID-19.
3. Hygiene and cleaning materials.
4. Other materials for treating cases of COVID-19.
Donations of biosafety materials to hospitals and health
centres to combat COVID-19:
During 2021, PERU LNG donated 1100 personal
protection kits to hospitals in its direct area of
influence, particularly the Rezola and San Jose regional
hospitals in Cañete and Chincha respectively, as well
as the COVID-19 Southern Healthcare Command in
Huamanga. The kits contained aprons, shoe covers,
surgical caps, overalls and face masks.
Later, 3000 face masks were donated and distributed
among twelve health centres in the Ayacucho health
network, three in Chincha and two in Cañete.
Donations of groceries and other products to communities
in our direct area of influence:
Our humanitarian aid during the COVID-19 crisis
included the delivery of 8 100 packages of basic
products to communities in Ayacucho, Huancavelica
and Ica.
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