Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position
Glossary & Definitions
Return on Tangible equity (ROTE)
Risk adjusted yield
Return on Tangible Equity (ROTE) is calculated as Profit/(loss) after tax (attributable to the owners of the Company) (as defined) (annualised - (based on year to date days)), divided by the quarterly
average of Shareholders' equity minus intangible assets at each quarter end.
Interest Income on Loans net of allowance for expected loan credit losses/Average Net Loans.
Restructuring and Recoveries Division.
Risk Weighted Assets.
RWA Intensity
Special levy on deposits and other
Stage 2 & Stage 3 Loans
Risk Weighted Assets over Total Assets.
Relates to the special levy on deposits of credit institutions in Cyprus, contributions to the Single Resolution Fund (SRF), contributions to the Deposit Guarantee Fund (DGF), as well as the DTC
levy, where applicable.
Include purchased or originated credit-impaired.
Tangible Collateral
Restricted to Gross IFRS balance.
Total Capital ratio
Total expenses
Total income
Total loan credit losses, impairments
and provisions
Total capital ratio is defined in accordance with the Capital Requirements Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, as amended by CRR II applicable as at the reporting date.
Total expenses comprise staff costs, other operating expenses and the special levy on deposits and other levies/contributions. It does not include (i) 'advisory and other restructuring costs-organic',
(ii) restructuring and other costs relating to NPE sales, or (iii) restructuring costs relating to the Voluntary Staff Exit Plan. (i) 'Advisory and other restructuring costs-organic' amounted to €1 mn for
1Q2023 (compared to €1 mn for 4Q2022, and €1 mn for 1Q2022) (ii) Restructuring costs relating to NPE sales for 1Q2023 amounted to €0.2 mn (compared to €0.3 mn for 4Q2022, and €1 mn for
1Q2022), and (iii) Restructuring costs relating to the Voluntary Staff Exit Plan (VEP) for 1Q2023 was nil (compared to nil for 4Q2022 and €3 mn for 1Q2022).
Total income comprises net interest income and non-interest income (as defined).
Total loan credit losses, impairments and provisions comprises loan credit losses (as defined), plus impairments of other financial and non-financial assets, plus (provisions)/net reversals for
litigation, claims, regulatory and other matters.
Underlying basis
Write offs
Tier 2 Capital.
This refers to the statutory basis after being adjusted for certain items as explained in the Basis of Presentation.
Loans together with the associated loan credit losses are written off when there is no realistic prospect of future recovery. Partial write-offs, including non-contractual write-offs, may occur when it is
considered that there is no realistic prospect for the recovery of the contractual cash flows. In addition, write-offs may reflect restructuring activity with customers and are part of the terms of the
agreement and subject to satisfactory performance.
Year on year change.
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