TROPION-Lung01 Study Design and Baseline demographics slide image

TROPION-Lung01 Study Design and Baseline demographics

Efficacy Analysis in Select Tumor Types (≥4.8 mg/kg cohort) C) mCRPC Starting dose level Best percentage change in sum of diameters from baseline in target Jesions 100 Efficacy population (24.8 mg/kg) 80 6.4 mg/kg 8.0 mg/kg 12.0 mg/kg 16.0 mg/kg Confirmed ORR, n (%; 95% CI)- Confirmed PR, n (%) 60 40 Confirmed ORR in patients with liver mets at baseline (27/59, 45.8% of mCPRC efficacy population 24.8 mg/kg), n (%) 8 0 8 9 80 TTR, median (95% CI), months* DOR, median (95% CI), months- Median PFS, months (95% CI) Daiichi-Sankyo mCRPC n=73 15 (25.4; 15.0-38.4) 15 (25.4) 9 (33.3) 1.4 (1.2-2.6) 6.4 (3.0-10.0) 5.3 (4.1-6.9) 13.0 (10.3-16.0) 16.6 (14.5-18.6) ⚫The sqNSCLC expansion cohort was the latest expansion cohort to open and is ongoing, hence the relatively short duration of follow-up . ORRS in the tumor types selected in this analysis were as follows: -mCRPC: 15/59 (25%) patients achieved a PR -sqNSCLC: 4/13 (31%) patients achieved a PR Median OS, months (95% CI)b Follow-up, median (95% CI), months Safety population (all doses) n=75 Number of prior systemic regimens, median (range) Taxane, n (%) NHA_n (%) 6 (1-11) 61 (81.3) 72 (96.0) -100 "The ORR is calculated based on 59 patients who received 21 dose 24.8 mg/kg, had measurable disease at baseline, >2 postbaseline scans, and/or discontinued treatment for any reason at data cutoff. *n=73, including patients with bone metastases who were not evaluable for ORR Change from baseline in target lesions was assessed per RECIST v1.1. Two patients did not have any post-baseline tumor assessments and were not included in the waterfall plot. D) sqNSCLC 100 Starting dose level Efficacy population (24.8 mg/kg) Best percentage change in sum of diameters from baseline in target lesions, -20 89 8 8 80 4.8 mg/kg 12.0 mg/kg 16.0 mg/kg 60 40 Confirmed ORR, n (%; 95% CI) Confirmed PR, n (%) TTR, median (95% CI), months 20 0 -100 DOR, median (95% CI), months Follow-up, median (95% CI), months Safety population (all doses) Number of prior systemic regimens, median (range) Platinum-based chemotherapy, in (9) Immunotherapy, n (%) Taxane, n (%) sqNSCLC n=13 4 (30.8, 9.1-61.4) 4 (30.8) 1.3 (0.7-NE) 4.1 (2.8-NE) 5.2 (1.7-NE) n=18 3 (1-12) 18 (100) 18 (100) 16 (88.9) Change from baseline in target lesions was assessed per RECIST v1.1. One patient did not have any post-baseline tumor assessments and was not included in waterfall plot. Since enrollment in the sqNSCLC cohort is ongoing, analyses of PFS and OS in this cohort are not yet mature. 19 62
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