U.S. Renewable Energy Policy and Industry slide image

U.S. Renewable Energy Policy and Industry

Carbon Markets Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Third Compliance Period (2015-17) California Cap Target Projection More than 45% reduction in CO₂ emissions from the power sector by 2020 relative to 2005 emissions Carbon price Greenhouse Gases covered $4.78 (2014) $5.41 (Q1 2015) Number of Entities Covered Cap Carbon price Green House Gasses covered Number of Entities Covered Sectors Covered Threshold Compliance tools & Flexibility mechanisms RGGI 2015 adjusted cap is 66.8 million short tonnes (60.63 million tCO2) CO2 168 Fossil fuel Power Plants >25,000 Megawatts Free allowances, auctioning, use of offsets (up to 3.3%), Banking, floor price ($2.05), reserve adjustment (10 million short tonnes, 9.1 million tCO2), three year compliance period Sectors Covered Threshold % Total emissions covered Compliance tools & Flexibility Mechanisms Second Compliance Period (2015-2017) Reduce GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 80% reduction in GHG emissions below 1990 levels by 2050 394.5 million tCO2e (2015) $11.65 (2014) $12.21 (Q1 2015) Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N₂O), Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), Nitrogen Trifluoride and other fluorinated GHGs approximately 450 entities cement production, cogeneration, glass production, hydrogen production, iron and steel production, lead production, lime manufacturing, nitric acid production, petroleum and natural gas systems, petroleum refining, pulp and paper manufacturing, self- generation of electricity, stationary combustion, CO2 suppliers, first deliverers of electricity, suppliers of natural gas, suppliers of reformulated blendstock for oxygenate blending (RBOB) and distillate fuel oil, refineries that produce liquid petroleum gas in California, facilities that process natural gas liquids to produce liquid petroleum gas, and suppliers of liquefied natural gas >25,000 tCO₂e 85% Free allowances (for some sectors), auctions, offsets (8%), allowance price containment reserve, banking, limited borrowing, three-year compliance period Source: International Emissions Trading Association, Environmental Defense Fund, CDC Climate Research. (2015). The World's Carbon Markets. Accessed September 2015, http://www.ieta.org/worldscarbonmarkets. NATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY LABORATORY 13
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