Blend Investor Day Presentation Deck slide image

Blend Investor Day Presentation Deck

Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Gross Profit, Annual (in $ thousands) Software Stock-Based Compensation Non-GAAP Software Professional Services Stock-Based Compensation Non-GAAP Professional Services Total Blend Platform Stock-Based Compensation Non-GAAP Blend Platform Title Stock-Based Compensation Non-GAAP Title Total Blend Labs Stock-Based Compensation Non-GAAP Blend Labs 2022 Gross Profit 82,885 59 82,944 (7,672) 1,003 (6,669) 75,213 1,062 76,275 14,437 1,007 15,444 89,650 2,069 91,719 Gross Margin 73% 73% (98%) (85%) 62% 63% 13% 14% 74% 76% YTD 2023 Gross Profit 39,796 22 39,818 (1,561) 593 (968) 38,235 615 38,850 1,111 137 1,248 39,346 752 40,098 Gross Margin 78% 78% (40%) (25%) 69% 71% 4% 5% 49% 50% 131
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