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Investor Presentaiton

84 Remuneration Report Executive KMP remuneration 2 85 Annual Report 2023 Woolworths Group 2.2 Long term incentive (continued) Performance against: F21-23 LTI measures The F21-23 WISP was granted effective July 2020, with challenging performance targets and demanding stretch objectives to reach maximum outcomes. For the F21-23 WISP, performance was assessed against three equally-weighted measures, Relative TSR, ROFE and Sales per square metre and an overall outcome of 49.9% of the maximum award was achieved. The F21-23 Award achieved 49.9% of Maximum (84.9% of Target). F21-23 LTI MEASURE OUTCOMES (% OF MAXIMUM) Stretch Target # Entry rTSR 0.0% ROFE 25.3% Sales/sqm 24.6% Total (% of Max) 49.9% Total (% of Target) 84.9% Relative Total Shareholder Return Woolworths Group's TSR for the F21-23 WISP plan period was 32% (9.7% CAGR). Strong shareholder return was driven by share price appreciation over the plan period reflecting the Group's financial performance and a consistent dividend payout ratio of 70-75%. Despite positive absolute TSR, the performance was below the peer group median. ENTRY: 50TH PERCENTILE TARGET: N/A STRETCH: 75TH PERCENTILE ACTUAL RESULT: 36TH PERCENTILE Return on Funds Employed¹ ROFE for F23 was 14.9% as a result of higher EBIT in F23 due to higher sales, an improved operating rhythm, the absence of COVID costs, and the benefits of ongoing investment in recent years. ENTRY: 14.0% TARGET: 14.6% STRETCH: 15.5% ACTUAL RESULT: 14.9% 2.3 What we paid executive KMP in F23 and their current shareholdings The following pages compare actual, target, and maximum remuneration received during F23 for the executive KMP. Amounts include: • • TFR received (including base salary, superannuation, and car allowance) other benefits received, including the deemed premium in respect of Directors' and Officers' Indemnity insurance cash STI received for business and individual performance in F23 • equity that vested or which has been performance tested as the end of F23 for the prior year plans equity granted in F23 and all unvested equity awards (share rights for DSTI and performance rights for LTI). Following market benchmarking completed by PwC, to maintain market competitiveness, it was determined that TFR increases were warranted in F23 for the executive KMP other than the CEO. These increases, effective 1 September 2022 and the first in four years, were outlined in the F22 Remuneration Report. The F21 DSTI plan vested on 1 July 2023, being the 50% portion of the F21 STI award that was deferred as share rights. The F21 STI outcome was 115.5% of Target, higher than in F23. At the conclusion of F23, performance was tested for the F21-23 WISP and the number of performance rights that convert to shares was determined for the executive KMP. The disclosed value of the awards was determined using the Woolworths Group five-day VWAP up to and including 1 July 2023. For F21 DSTI and F21-23 WISP, both the increase in share price and the accumulated dividends that would have been earned and reinvested over the period in the form of additional rights are contributing factors to the final value received at vesting by the executive KMP. Additional rights are referred to as Dividend Equivalent Rights (DERS). The individual tables on pages 85-87 also show progress against the minimum shareholding requirements (MSR) as at 1 July 2023. The aggregate value of current shareholdings and unvested DSTI awards are used to determine progress against MSR. Further detail on the MSR are included in Section 3.4. Each remuneration component in the tables below has been rounded to the nearest thousand. Term as KMP: Full Year 1 ROFE is calculated as EBIT before significant items for the previous 12 months as a percentage of average (opening, mid and closing) funds employed. Sales per square metre 2 Net Sales per square metre for F23 was $17,626, below F22 due to inclusion in the F21-23 metric of BIG W, which has a significantly lower Sales per square metre than Australian or NZ Food. Each business unit grew Sales per square metre materially through the plan period, with an overall CAGR of 4.2% in sales and 1.3% in space delivering a 2.2% compound increase in Sales per square metre. ENTRY: $16,643 TARGET: $17,248 STRETCH: $18,288 ACTUAL RESULT: $17,626 2 Sales per square metre is calculated as annual reported turnover for Australian Food, New Zealand Food, and BIG W divided by average trading square metres (based on market reported trading square metres). Brad Banducci Managing Director & CEO Actual remuneration received for F23 v Target and Maximum ($000) Actual Remuneration 3,011 2,600 1,193 1,838 8,646 4 Target Remuneration 2,600 1,300 1,300 2,600 7,804 4 Maximum Remuneration 2,600 1,950 1,950 4,420 10,924 Progress on MSR as at 1 July 2023 ($000) Equity granted ($000) Unvested LTI and STI awards ($000) Vested LTI and Target 5,200 F22 DSTI Actual 15,538 F23 DSTI 1,193 Shares 9,841 F23-25 WISP 4,890 F21 DSTI 1,838 Total 6,083 F22-24 WISP F23 DSTI F23-25 WISP Total 848 4,672 STI awards ($000) including share price uplift and DERS 1,193 4,890 11,603 F21 DSTI F21-23 WISP 1,838 3,011 Total 4,849 F21-23 WISP 3,011 F22 DSTI 848 Total 15,538 1 highlights Performance 2 Business review 3 Directors' Report 4 Financial Report LO Other information LEGEND TFR Other benefits Cash STI Vested DSTI Vested LTI
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