Investor Presentaiton
Facts & Strategy
■ 500 million TRY Paid-in Capital
■ Support of Shareholder
■ Investment / Non-deposit taking bank
■ Strong regional presence
One of the highest Paid-in Capital among the
Investment Banks.
A well known brand in AZ & GE
Support of PH & PBA in Funding and Trade Finance
■ Sustainable Growth
■ Regional visibility in trade
■ Diversifying Funding
■ Expand Project Finance and Consultancy Activities
■ Continuing playing active role in Capital Markets
-Becoming the first bank that comes to mind in Turkey-
Azerbaijan-Georgia triangle
-Increasing the size of Domestic & International
Bonds/Bills/Sukuk issuances, Diversifying FI geographies
for funding
-Focus on Renewable Energy Projects
-Increasing intermediation of bonds, bills, securitization
issuances upon customer needs
Financial Institutions & Investor Relations
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