Investor Presentaiton
Housing: Sector aspirations
■ Make serviced land with secure tenure easily available, accessible, transferable
and at an affordable price, for housing development
■ Provide easy access to long term, affordable and adequate housing finance on a
continuous basis
Ensure sustainable maintenance of all physical assets and housing infrastructure
■ Accelerate development of appropriate capacities to achieve sufficiency in the
production of basic building materials and components of acceptable quality from
local resources, with a view to stimulating effective housing development and
economic growth
Develop low-cost building materials and technologies
■ Provide the low-income group, no-income group and the vulnerable segment
of the population with access to housing
Establish a reliable and comprehensive database for generating statistical
information for housing development in Nigeria
Provide incentives and the necessary legal and regulatory environment to attract
Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in mass housing development
SOURCE: Housing and Regional Development TWG
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