Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

SIGNATURE GLOBAL MAKING INDIA AFFORDABLE AN ISO 9001:2015: 14001:2015: 45001-2018 CERTIFIED COMPANY Healthy balance sheet with improved equity and reduced debt levels Balance Sheet (INR mn) Sep-23 Mar-23 5,884 475 • Breakup of Net Debt as of 30th Sep 2023: Total equity Minority interests 27 26 Non-current liabilities Current liabilities Total liabilities and equity 8,807 13,263 55,215 46,226 69,933 59,991 Fixed assets 689 729 . Other non-current assets and advances 2,981 2,608 Current assets 66,263 56,654 • Total assets 69,933 59,991 Particulars INR mn Gross Debt 11,294 Less Cash & Cash Eq (7,670) Net Debt 3,624 Strong improvement in Net Worth of the company post IPO which stands at INR 5,884 mn Improvement in Debt-to-Equity ratio with Net Debt/Equity at 0.62x 21
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