H1 2019 Financial Performance and Strategic Overview slide image

H1 2019 Financial Performance and Strategic Overview

Track record of sustainable growth Combined Volume (000s of 9 Liter Cases) CAGR 13A-18A: 8.4% 20,424 20,491 21,279 17,274 18,248 14,210 Combined Net Sales (Ps$MM)(1) CAGR 13A 18A: 18.0% Jose Cuervo 28,158 25,958 24,396 18,475 15,314 12,305 2013A 2014A 2015A 2016A 2017A 2018A 2013A 2014A 2015A 2016A 2017A 2018A Combined EBITDA (2) and Margin (Ps$MM) Cash Flow Conversion (3) Margin (21.8% 23.9% 26.3% 24.8% 27.6% CAGR 13A-18A: 17.8% 21.6% (%) Capex (Ps$ MM) $655 $840 $544 $829 $1066 $827 7,161 6,040 6,074 88.8% 86.3% 85.1% 86.0% 4,864 75.5% 77.0% 3,659 2,679 2013A 2014A 2015A 2016A 2017A 2018A 2013A 2014A 2015A 2016A 2017A 2018A Source: Company combined financials statements, Company information Notes: 1. 2015A Considers pro forma 10 months of Bushmills 2. EBITDA calculated as net income plus interest expense, income tax expense and depreciation and amortization, less gain on sale of joint venture available for sale, interest income, foreign exchange loss (gain), net, and equity method in joint venture 3. Calculated as (EBITDA-Capex)/EBITDA BOODLES BRITISH GIN LONDON DRY Hangar Three Olives. KRAKEN Jose Cuervo Jose Cuervo VODKA Especial TRADICIONAL COLORADO WHISKE CENTENARIO MAESTRO 1800 BUSHMILLS Stranahan's Jose Cuervo TEQUILERO TINCUP TEQUILA 17
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