BuzzFeed Investor Presentation Deck slide image

BuzzFeed Investor Presentation Deck

BuzzFeed, Inc. Powering organic growth of brands. - First launched in 2015, Tasty has grown into the world's largest, most engaged food community on the internet – with cross-platform scale and multiple revenue streams. BuzzFeed Formats Applied to Cooking Applies popular BuzzFeed formats to cooking and discovers success Here's how to make-PIZZA DIP (1) Source: Tubular Intelligence, Oct 2020. Experimentation & Social Media Feedback / Data Loop User-generated cooking videos going viral on Facebook; starts experimenting with original BuzzFeed food videos TASTY Den Shollenberger So good and cheesy, making this all the time now! Audience Expansion Tasty Facebook channel surpasses 8M engagements (likes, comments, shares) the month after launch (1) 14M views in 10 days This is Paract My son and for a sicano cake for the weak! Now know how! DO Iterations for Expansion & Development Applies learnings to launch international versions and develop new styles and formats PROPER bien TASTY TASTY TASTY TASTY demais JAPAN Multiple Monetization Streams Popularity fuels product launches: Top Selling Cookbook, Tasty App and One Top cooking appliance TASTY latest & greatest 17
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