Investor Presentaiton
BCA Modeling
SEA plans to develop a spreadsheet-based model for carrying out BCA based on
the Docket 4600 framework, centered on the "Rhode Island Test"
The Rhode Island Test considers a wide range of costs and benefits, helping
stakeholders understand the broad impacts of a given program/policy
SEA proposes to base our analysis on the RI Test, but allow for some flexibility to
diverge from the test when doing so enhances the usefulness of the information
• The constructed model will also help establish the likely impacts of a given
program/policy on Rhode Island ratepayers generally (as opposed to evaluating
the specific impacts to rates for various customer classes)
SEA plans to construct the model to enable SEA to incorporate feedback on
possible program design changes, allowing comparisons across program designs
SEA further plans to incorporate values discussed below into the BCA model
Copyright Sustainable Energy Advantage, LLC.
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