Long-term Climate Strategy and Financial Performance slide image

Long-term Climate Strategy and Financial Performance

POVERTY GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING GENDER EQUALITY DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH REDUC 10 INEQU PEACE, JUSTICE 16 AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Human Rights: Enel's public commitment based on the voluntary international reference standards 2021 update enel enel Bellevaud TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 ENEL'S COMMITMENT TO RESPECTING HUMAN RIGHTS pag. 2 11 International references 12 Internal references 2 PRINCIPLES 21 Employment practices 2:11 Rejection of forced or compulsory labor and child labor 212 Respect for diversity and non-discrimination 2.1.3 Freedom of association and collective bargaining 214 Health, safety and well-being 2.15 Just and favourable working conditions 2.2 Communities and society 2.2.1 Environment 2:22 Bethe rights of communities 2.2.3 Respecting the rights of local communities 2.2.4 Respecting the nights of indigenous and tribal peoples 225 Integrity mm tolemnes of orruption 22.55 Privacy 227 Communications 3 IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING 31 Sakeholders grievance 32 Tasks of the board committees of Enel SpA 3.3 Tesis of the Sustainability Planning & Performance Management (SPPM) &Uman Rights unit 4 REVISION 5 COMMUNICATION AND TRAINING 8 DEFINITIONS png 22 pag. 26 pag. 26 pag. 26 Key updates enel Added description of Enel's commitment to respecting human rights along the value chain, and specifically: i) mission; ii) contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; iii) commitment to a just and inclusive energy transition. Update process carried out in line with the “UN Global Compact Guide for business: how to develop a Human Rights Policy" with an active involvement of key Enel's stakeholders. Increased granularity in the "Communities and Society" section, adding a few sub- principles: > "Environment" establishing a connection with human rights, ensuring alignment to the environmental policy and introducing the notion of respect of biodiversity; > "Respecting the rights of local communities" and "Respecting the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples", in line with ILO Convention n. 169, both formerly included in the overall "Respecting the rights of communities"; > Split of "Privacy and communications” in two principles, "Privacy" and "Communications" and strengthening of the messages of both jointly with a more detailed correlation with customers. 126
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