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Investor Presentaiton

International Pro Forma segment financial and operating metrics A$m Pro forma Pro forma Var FY14 FY15 Prospectus ■ FY15 Revenue • EBITDA before SGARA 4.9 6.4 1.5 6.7 EBITDA-S margin Transacted sales 10.3 15.3 5.0 15.7 Operating EBITDA 5.8 8.4 2.6 8.4 Transacted sales: +48.5% costa fresh is our passion 52.9% Royalty 47.8% African Blue Transacted Sales increase of $5.0m or 48.5% on FY2014: Royalty income +52.9%: Increase in plant sales for plantings in new regions (eg Mexico) and increase in fruit based royalties. African Blue +47.8%: . • Ongoing maturity of farms planted progressively in previous years, with some small volume from the 5th farm (45ha) planted in 2014. Additional volume from 3rd party growers EBITDA before SGARA growth of $1.5m or 30.6% against FY2014, reflective of the Transacted Sales drivers. 13
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