Growth of WeBuyCars slide image

Growth of WeBuyCars

WeBuyCars Robust Balance Sheet WeBuyCars balance sheet exhibits high liquidity, solvency and low gearing levels 2.34 Liquidity 1.90 Current Ratio Gearing Solvency ROE 33% 2.83 48% 2.42 2.49 2.27 39% 23% 23% 32% Debt/Equity FY21A FY22A Assets/Liabilities FY23A Core Return on Equity Liquid balance sheet that allows short term debt to be settled as required Low gearing levels allowing opportunities for growth to be explored at short notice High solvency levels ensuring cost of debt is competitive, resulting in interest savings Profitability expected to increase as macroeconomic environment improves, enhancing balance sheet strength ROE has remained high, with WeBuyCars well positioned to capitalise on investments made in prior years. WeBuyCars is well capitalized to enable growth initiatives to be pursued, enhancing returns for shareholders Notes: 1.FY2021A-FY2023A represents actual and reconstructed 12-month periods ended September to align with the current year end 21
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