Investor Presentaiton
REDD+ in the State of Acre - Brazil
As a basis for payments, REM only considers ER
below the historical average. To qualify for pay-
ment, ER need to be:
Measured based on forest area and area
change ("activity data") against the reference
level in the reference region (the State of Acre),
determined by satellite imagery and data on
carbon stocks ("emissions factors")
Reported, i.e. the information is compiled in a
complete and trans-parent manner
Validated by a scientific committee, consis-
ting of national and international scientists,
following an agreed protocol
Registered in a registry system for tracking and
avoiding double-counting
Retired, meaning that emission reductions
cannot be used as carbon offsets for trading
or compliance. REM does not purchase carbon
credits, nor is a transfer of title required. Brazil
may report reward-ed ER to the UNFCCC as part
of its voluntary national contribution towards
climate change mitigation.
REM does not reward the total amount of ER -
only a propor-tion corresponding to funding allo-
cations. As of December 2016, all of the committed
funds (EUR 25 million) have been disbursed to Acre's
State government. REM has rewarded ap-prox. 16.5%
of Acre's total ER in the 2011-2015 period, with an ad-
ditional 17.7% registered and retired as a risk mana-
gement mechanism by Acre. REM encourages other
actors to reward Acre's remaining ER.
REDD+no Estado do Acre
Brazil's forest monitoring
Through PRODES (Satellite-Based Monitoring of Forest Clearing in the Amazon), Bra-zil's Na-
tional Institute for Space Research (INPE) collects data on forest cover change and pro-duces, since
1988, yearly defor-estation rates in the Legal Ama-zon. These data are also used by the Government
for the establishment and implementa-tion of public policies to combat deforestation.
Key facts about the Brazilian Amazon
The Amazon Biome, spanning 9 countries,
covers an area of 6.7 million km² - roughly two
times the size of India.
Around 60% of the world's largest rainforest is
found in Brazil - covering approx. 50% of the
national territory.
The Brazilian Amazon hosts a quarter of the
world's terrestrial species, carries out 15% of
terrestrial photosynthesis and con-tains an
enormous carbon stock - all of which contri-
bute signifi-cantly to global social and econo-
mic benefits.
Key facts about the State of Acre
Situated in the South-West of the Brazilian
Amazon, Acre is one of Brazil's smaller states
- with an area of 164.123,7 km² it occupies only
around 2% of the Brazilian territory, but equals
approximately the size of Nepal.
Home to a diverse population of more than
830.000 people, of which 200.000 live in rural
areas and approx. 23.000 are from in-dige-
nous communities.
The 14 million hectares of primary forest cover
87% of Acre's territory. Protected areas (97%
forested) and territories of Indige-nous Peoples
(98% forested) harbor more than half of Acre's
for-ests. The remaining forests are located in
private lands (78%), ru-ral settlements (58%)
and not yet defined areas (87%). In these territo-
rial categories deforestation pressures are par-
ticularly high. Overall, 87% of Acre's forests are
still standing, despite de-forestation pressure.
While overall improvements in the living condi-
tions are noted, social indicators are relatively
Low and poverty rates high.View entire presentation