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Investor Presentaiton

Mechanix Mechani Kinerja Operasional | Operational Performance PERTAMINA NORMAL MMBOE Lifting Migas Oil and Gas Lifting -13% 10,5 9,2 12M22 12M23 MMBOE Iktisar Kinerja | Business Highlights Transportasi Minyak Oil Transportaion +305% 56,9 BBTUD Regasifikasi LNG LNG Regasification Pemrosesan LPG LPG Processing +10% 158 144 TON -21% 49.034 38.782 14,0 12M22 12M23 12M22 12M23 12M22 12M23 ■ Pencapaian volume lifting YoY terutama dipengaruhi oleh penurunan produksi dan lifting dari Blok Pangkah, Bangkanai, Muara Bakau dan Muriah. ■ Lifting volume on YoY basis was mainly contributed from lower production and lifting from Pangkah., Bangkanai, Muara Bakau and Muriah Peningkatan volume transportasi minyak YoY didorong oleh peningkatan penyaluran minyak melalui pipa Rokan dan non Rokan Higher oil transportation volume on YoY basis was mainly driven by the increasing oil transporting through Rokan and non- rokan oil transmission pipeline Peningkatan volume regasifikasi YoY terutama disebabkan kenaikan permintaan regasifikasi di LNG Hub Arun. Increasing regasification volume on YoY basis primarily affected by the higher regasification demand at LNG Hub Arun. ■ Pencapaian volume pemrosesan LPG YOY disebabkan penurunan feed gas dan adanya aktifitas unplanned maintenance di LPG ENP Plant serta penyesuaian produksi. LPG processing volume was mainly impacted by lower feed gas as well as unplanned maintenance activities at LPG ENP Plant and production adjustment. 12 PERTAMINA GAS NEGARA
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