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Investor Presentaiton

16 FY2022 H1 Reported Results with Actual and CER % Change vs. PY (Billion JPY) Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit Margin SG&A expenses R&D expenses FY2021 H1 FY2022 H1 1,794.4 1,974.8 180.3 ACTUAL % CHANGE 10.1% CER % CHANGE*¹ (2.3)% (517.1) (598.3) (81.3) (15.7)% (3.9)% 1,277.4 1,376.4 99.1 7.8% (4.8)% 71.2 % 69.7 % (1.5) pp (1.8) pp (431.9) (480.2) (48.4) (11.2)% 1.4% (254.1) (297.8) (43.7) (17.2)% (1.4)% Amortization of intangible assets associated with products (204.1) (240.8) (36.7) (18.0)% (1.1)% Impairment losses on intangible assets associated with products (1.5) (32.8) (31.4) (2,137.8)% (1,695.6)% Other operating income 19.5 13.5 (6.1) (31.0)% (36.9)% Other operating expenses (59.4) (83.4) (23.9) (40.2)% (22.0)% Operating profit 346.0 255.0 (91.0) (26.3)% (30.7)% Margin 19.3 % 12.9 % (6.4) pp (5.6) pp Finance income 46.9 Finance expenses (104.9) 75.7 (109.3) 28.8 61.4% 55.6% (4.3) (4.1)% (5.4)% Share of profit (loss) of investments accounted for using the equity method (3.5) (1.4) 2.2 61.3% 76.7% Profit before tax 284.4 220.0 (64.4) (22.6)% (29.2)% Income tax expenses Net profit for the period Non-controlling interests (100.7) 183.7 (53.3) 47.4 47.1% 44.1% 166.8 (17.0) (9.2)% (21.1)% (0.1) 0.0 0.1 Net profit attributable to owners of the Company Basic EPS (yen) 183.6 166.8 (16.9) (9.2)% (21.0)% 117.08 107.62 (9.46) (8.1)% (20.1)% *1 Please refer to page 15 definition of Core Financial Measures and Constant Exchange Rate change for the definition. Note: % change versus prior year is presented as positive when favorable to profits, and negative when unfavorable to profits. Takeda
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