Improving Domestic Violence Responses in Rhode Island
Needs: Shared definition, understanding, and operationalization of partnerships among agencies
responding to DV to eliminate siloed services and improve coordination of care
Strengths: Robust historical relationships among entities responding to DV and a desire across agencies to
improve coordinated responses
Intercept O: Community Services
Partnerships among community service agencies are not
clearly defined and are siloed.
Intercept 1: Law Enforcement and Child Welfare
Partnerships with law enforcement advocates are reported as
integral to law enforcement's DV response.
Some partnerships are used more than others.
Intercept 2: Initial Detention and Court Hearings
DV partnerships and information sharing practices vary
within the courts and among the courts and other
Intercept 3: Interventions in the Community
Investment in community BH varies geographically and is
contingent on buy-in from local government, creating
disparate responses and unequal protection for victims
and survivors of violence.
There is limited to no information sharing between BH
and BIP providers.
Intercept 4: Corrections and Community Reentry
Departments within RIDOC and community responses to
DV are siloed.
Without a current victim advocate position in RIDOC,
staff are challenged to meet the needs of victims and
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