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Investor Presentaiton

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | NOTES TO THE PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT Parent company business activities are exposed to financial risks such as foreign exchange risks, interest rate risks, liquidity risks and credit risks. These financial risks are managed in accordance with the KONE Treasury Policy. Parent company financials risks are not significantly different from the Group's financials risks, see notes 2.4 and 5.3 to the Group level financial statements. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and cash equivalents include cash-in-hand and bank account balances. Used bank overdrafts are included in other current liabilities. SHARE-BASED PAYMENTS KONE has two separate share-based incentive plans, one performance share plan and one restricted share plan. The performance share plan is targeted to the President and CEO, members of the Executive Board and other top management as well as other selected key personnel of KONE Group. The restricted share plan serves as a complementary long-term share plan to be used as a commitment instrument for retention and recruitment purposes for top management (excluding the President and CEO) and other selected key persons. Pursuant to the share ownership plans, the reward to the management is either settled with KONE class B shares, or as a combination of KONE class B shares and cash when the criteria set in the terms and conditions of the plan are met. Number of shares earned by participants under the share- based incentive plans are determined on gross basis with deduction for taxes made when applicable before delivery of the shares to the participants. The shares to be transferred as part of the plans are obtained in public trading. The acquisition of shares is recognized as an increase of own shares, reducing equity, and transfer of shares as decrease in own shares and retained earnings within equity. The fair value of the share-based payments settled with cash has been determined so that it covers taxes and social security costs that are incurred. The cost arising from cash settled part of share-based payment rewards is recognized as an expense over the earnings period. The liability recognized is measured based on the fair value of the shares expected to be distributed. At each statement of financial position date, the company revises its estimates of the number of shares that are expected to be distributed. It recognizes the impact of the revision of original estimates in the statement of income. 96 KONE ANNUAL REVIEW 2022
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