Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

5.3.1 Ethics & Integrity [GRI 102-16 | 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3-205] Compliance We monitor and assess potential conflicts of interest, a topic addressed in our Code of Conduct and in the Internal Rules of the Board of Directors (BD), by means of a Compliance system implemented in 2020 and available on the intranet, to be filled out annually or updated at any time by all employees. The system covers topics such as family relationships, Politically Exposed Persons (PEPS), external activities, and judicial processes. Therefore, we comply with the provisions of Law 6,404/76 and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) on conflicts of interest, related-party transactions, and their disclosure. In this context, any board member who has an actual or potential conflict of interest or who is connected to a related party whose core activities imply the actual or potential existence of a conflict of interest with a certain matter to be examined by the BD, must abstain from participating in the part of the meeting in which such matter is discussed. Our internal regulations also determine that it is the duty of every employee to communicate situations of potential conflict of interest to the Compliance department. [GRI 102-25 | 205-1 | EM-EP-510a.2] Focusing on ethics and compliance, we also maintain the Whistleblowing Channel, a secure, confidential, external and independent means for the various stakeholders to report possible violations of our Code of Conduct and Brazilian law - since the channel was established in 2016, no reports related to corruption of government officials have been received. There is a guarantee of anonymity and non-retaliation (even in unfounded cases reported without bad faith), and the reports are received and investigated by the Compliance department. Measures are taken for all cases that are found to be serious, ranging from verbal or written warnings, suspension, and even dismissal, when considered severe, according to our Consequence Management Policy. All reports are investigated within 60 days, according to the report investigation procedure. In 2020, 46 reports were received, investigated on average within 27 days, of which nine were found to have merit. [GRI 102-17] Whistleblowing Channel Reports 2020 [GRI 102-17] Analyzed and found to be well-founded 9 Analyzed and considered to be partially well-founded 15 Analyzed and found to be unfounded 17 Analyzed and not applicable to the channel 1 Closed due to lack of information for analysis 4 Total 46 Whistleblowing Channel Classification of Reports [GRI 102-17] Mobbing Violation of Policies and Procedures Violation of Supplier Laws Theft or Fraud Not Applicable to the Channel Consultation Other 2020 13 10 17 1 1 2 2 Whistleblowing Channel Also with a focus on integrity, our donations and sponsorships are subject to due diligence, and only institutional gifts with no commercial value can be accepted by the teams, and the non-institutional gifts and presents offered by clients and suppliers are evaluated by the Compliance department for the possibility of acceptance or refusal. ABOUT THIS REPORT LETTER FROM MANAGEMENT ABOUT FIGHTING ENEVA COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL MANUFACTURED HUMAN CAPITAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT [ENEVA 2020] PAGE 45
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