Consistent Earnings Growth and Digital Engagement
Caution Regarding
Forward-Looking Statements
From time to time, the Bank (as defined in this document) makes written and/or oral forward-looking statements, including in this document, in other filings with Canadian regulators or
the United States (U.S.) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and in other communications. In addition, representatives of the Bank may make forward-looking statements
orally to analysts, investors, the media and others. All such statements are made pursuant to the "safe harbour" provisions of, and are intended to be forward-looking statements under,
applicable Canadian and U.S. securities legislation, including the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to,
statements made in this document, the Management's Discussion and Analysis ("2022 MD&A") in the Bank's 2022 Annual Report under the heading "Economic Summary and Outlook",
under the headings "Key Priorities for 2023" and "Operating Environment and Outlook" for the Canadian Personal and Commercial Banking, U.S. Retail, Wealth Management and
Insurance, and Wholesale Banking segments, and under the heading "2022 Accomplishments and Focus for 2023" for the Corporate segment, and in other statements regarding the
Bank's objectives and priorities for 2023 and beyond and strategies to achieve them, the regulatory environment in which the Bank operates, and the Bank's anticipated financial
performance. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as "will", "would", "should", "believe", "expect", "anticipate", "intend", "estimate", "plan", "goal", "target",
"may", and "could".
By their very nature, these forward-looking statements require the Bank to make assumptions and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties, general and specific. Especially in light
of the uncertainty related to the physical, financial, economic, political, and regulatory environments, such risks and uncertainties - many of which are beyond the Bank's control and the
effects of which can be difficult to predict – may cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations expressed in the forward-looking statements. Risk factors that could cause,
individually or in the aggregate, such differences include: strategic, credit, market (including equity, commodity, foreign exchange, interest rate, and credit spreads), operational
(including technology, cyber security, and infrastructure), model, insurance, liquidity, capital adequacy, legal, regulatory compliance and conduct, reputational, environmental and social,
and other risks. Examples of such risk factors include general business and economic conditions in the regions in which the Bank operates; geopolitical risk; inflation, rising rates and
recession; the economic, financial, and other impacts of pandemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic; the ability of the Bank to execute on long-term strategies and shorter-term key
strategic priorities, including the successful completion of acquisitions and dispositions, business retention plans, and strategic plans; technology and cyber security risk (including cyber-
attacks, data security breaches or technology failures) on the Bank's information technology, internet, network access or other voice or data communications systems or services; model
risk; fraud activity; the failure of third parties to comply with their obligations to the Bank or its affiliates, including relating to the care and control of information, and other risks arising
from the Bank's use of third-party service providers; the impact of new and changes to, or application of, current laws and regulations, including without limitation tax laws, capital
guidelines and liquidity regulatory guidance; regulatory oversight and compliance risk; increased competition from incumbents and new entrants (including Fintechs and big technology
competitors); shifts in consumer attitudes and disruptive technology; exposure related to significant litigation and regulatory matters; ability of the Bank to attract, develop, and retain key
talent; changes to the Bank's credit ratings; changes in foreign exchange rates, interest rates, credit spreads and equity prices; increased funding costs and market volatility due to
market illiquidity and competition for funding; Interbank Offered Rate (IBOR) transition risk; critical accounting estimates and changes to accounting standards, policies, and methods
used by the Bank; existing and potential international debt crises; environmental and social risk (including climate change); and the occurrence of natural and unnatural catastrophic
events and claims resulting from such events. The Bank cautions that the preceding list is not exhaustive of all possible risk factors and other factors could also adversely affect the
Bank's results. For more detailed information, please refer to the "Risk Factors and Management" section of the 2022 MD&A, as may be updated in subsequently filed quarterly reports
to shareholders and news releases (as applicable) related to any events or transactions discussed under the heading "Significant Acquisitions" or "Significant or Pending Acquisitions" in
the relevant MD&A, which applicable releases may be found on All such factors, as well as other uncertainties and potential events, and the inherent uncertainty of
forward-looking statements, should be considered carefully when making decisions with respect to the Bank. The Bank cautions readers not to place undue reliance on the Bank's
forward-looking statements.
Material economic assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements contained in this document are set out in the 2022 MD&A under the heading "Economic Summary and
Outlook", under the headings "Key Priorities for 2023" and "Operating Environment and Outlook" for the Canadian Personal and Commercial Banking, U.S. Retail, Wealth Management
and Insurance, and Wholesale Banking segments, and under the heading "2022 Accomplishments and Focus for 2023" for the Corporate segment, each as may be updated in
subsequently filed quarterly reports to shareholders. Any forward-looking statements contained in this document represent the views of management only as of the date hereof and are
presented for the purpose of assisting the Bank's shareholders and analysts in understanding the Bank's financial position, objectives and priorities and anticipated financial
performance as at and for the periods ended on the dates presented, and may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Bank does not undertake to update any forward-looking
statements, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time by or on its behalf, except as required under applicable securities legislation.
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