NHPC Renewable Energy and Pump Storage Project Updates slide image

NHPC Renewable Energy and Pump Storage Project Updates

Particulars Revenue from Operation Other Income 2570.96 2490.50 3.23 278.99 216.45 28.89 Financial Highlights: Standalone FY'24 Qtr-1 FY'23 % Change Qtr-1 Qtr-1 एनएचपीसी NHPC 8 Rs. In Crore Revenue & Expenditure-Analysis Expenditure Q1 FY'24 Other Expenses, 23% Employee Benefit Expenses 19% Revenue Q1 FY'24 Other Income 10% Total Income (A) 2849.95 2706.95 5.28 Finance Cost 7% Generation Expenses 517.61 270.10 91.64 Employee Benefits Expense 297.36 306.57 -3.00 Revenue Fr. Oper.90% Depreciation, 18% Generation Expenses 33% Finance Cost 114.51 136.66 -16.21 Depre. & Amort. Expense 275.73 287.35 -4.04 Revenue Vs. Net Profit Vs. Dividend Other Expenses 12000 10151 20% 370.20 506.92 -26.97 14.60% 16.00% 15.00% 9335 18.50% 18% 10000 8507 8161 16% Total Expenditure(B) 8735 1575.41 1507.60 4.50 14% 8000 18.10% 12% 6000 10% PBT(Before RRA)(C=A-B) 1274.54 1199.35 6.27 3834 8% 4000 3007 3233 3538 2631 6% Rate Regu. Income (D) 21.90 27.86 -21.39 4% 2000 2% PBT (After RRA) (E=C+D) 0 0% 1296.44 1227.21 5.64 2018-19 2019-20 Revenue 2020-21 Net Profit 2021-22 2022-23 Dividend Rs. In Crore Tax (F) 243.50 177.63 37.08 Profit After Tax (G=E-F) 1052.94 1049.58 0.32 Interim Dividend - 14.00% & Final Dividend 4.50%.
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