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Investor Presentaiton

Republic of Indonesia - USD4.3bn Global Bonds Issuance 21% On April 7, 2020, the Republic of Indonesia priced a transaction comprising USD4.3bn in senior unsecured notes Investor Breakdown by Region Issuer Issuer Rating Republic of Indonesia Baa2 Moody's (Stable) BBB S&P (Stable) BBB Fitch (Stable) Investor Breakdown by Investor Type RI1030 9% 25% 18% 45% RI0470 26% 20% 44% Exp. Issue Rating RI1050 Format Baa2 Moody's/ BBB S&P / BBB Fitch U.S. SEC registered 2% Issue Senior unsecured fixed rate notes Pricing Date 52% Settlement Date Aggregate Size April 6, 2020 April 15, 2020 USD4,300 mm Maturity Long 10.5-year Oct 15, 2030 Tranche Size USD1,650 mm Long 30.5-year Oct 15, 2050 USD1,650 mm Long 50-year Apr 15, 2070 USD1,000 mm 4.200% 4.450% 99.150 99.009 4.250% 4.500% RI1030 4% 1% 10 2010 10% 1% 22% 20% 64% BHINNEKA RI1050 1% 2% 3% 1% 1% 11% RI0470 1% 1% 1% Coupon (p.a.) 3.850% Reoffer Price 99.573 38% Reoffer Yield (p.a.) 3.900% US ■ Europe ■Asia ex-Indonesia ■Indonesia Listing Law Singapore, Frankfurt Open Market New York ■Asset Managers ■Insurance/Pension Fund ■Central Bank/Sovereign Wealth Fund ■ Banks Use of Proceeds For general purposes of the Republic of Indonesia, including financing COVID-19 relief and recovery ■ Private Banks ■ Others 85% 71% Transaction Highlights ☐ Net proceeds will be used for general purposes of the Republic, including financing COVID-19 relief and recovery efforts for the Republic to contain the virus and mitigate its impact on Indonesia. ☐ The Republic's fiscal policy amidst volatile market conditions includes support for healthcare, the social safety net, and small and medium enterprises. ☐ The debut 50-year offering on strong demand in the long end of the curve. ☐ The transaction is the largest global offering by the Republic and demonstrates the Republic's ability to respond swiftly to markets and capture favorable issuance windows. Source: Ministry of Finance 80
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