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CNP Assurances - Investor Presentation

CNP Assurances - Investor Presentation - March 2020 PACTE ACT, A STRATEGIC PRIORITY Impact of the PACTE Act on the French life insurance market: Objective: Increase the French pensions market's technical reserves by €100bn over three years (from €200bn to €300bn) New pension products to be introduced in the market as from 1 October 2019 Pensions: Creation of an individual or group pension savings product with three compartments: Compartment 1: receives voluntary individual payments Compartment 2: used by employees to reinvest their statutory and discretionary profit shares Compartment 3: receives compulsory employer and employee contributions Life insurance: Policyholder has the option of transferring savings from one contract to another with the same company (but not a different company) without interrupting the qualifying period for tax benefits An expanded unit-linked product line-up Requirement to offer a selection of SRI funds More stringent duty of information and transparency Implications of the PACTE Act for CNP Assurances Challenges Protect technical reserves Win new customers and increase the flow of new money Develop up-to-the-minute product offers and new services, improve the customer experience Manage ultra-fast execution Manage advanced operational deployment (networks and information systems). The first CNP Assurances offers will be unveiled in early 2020 In the Savings/Pensions market, CNP Assurances is a major player operating in the following segments: Private pensions, with its historical banking partners, LBP and BPCE, its Amétis network and other distributors Group pensions, with Arial CNP Assurances Points-based supplementary pension plans with Préfon 51
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